
“Tunisia’s Economic Development: Why Better than Most of the Middle East but Not East Asia”

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In the realm of economic literature, “Tunisia’s Economic Development: Why Better than Most of the Middle East but Not East Asia” stands as a comprehensive analysis of Tunisia’s economic journey. Authored by Mustapha K. Nabli and Jeffrey B. Nugent, this book offers a multi-dimensional review of Tunisia’s growth and development.

The writers explore the elements that have molded Tunisia’s economic terrain, juxtaposing its path with that of the Middle East and North African (MENA) and East Asian nations from 1960 to 2020. The book offers a comprehensive analysis of historical, political, and institutional aspects, along with a scrutiny of the economic strategies implemented in various eras.

A significant insight from the book is the recognition of the elements that facilitated Tunisia’s initial triumph and those contributing to its eventual downturn. The writers contend that Tunisia experienced notable success compared to numerous other MENA nations, but was slightly less triumphant when compared to East Asian countries.

From 2010 onwards, as Tunisia transitioned from autocracy towards democracy, it has experienced a rather severe economic downturn. The book underscores how these elements can offer valuable lessons for enhancing the administration of economic growth across the entire MENA region and potentially to developing nations globally.

To sum up, “Tunisia’s Economic Development: Why Better than Most of the Middle East but Not East Asia” is an engaging book for those who wish to delve into the intricacies of economic growth within the framework of worldwide and regional influences. It stands as a powerful illustration of how politics, institutions, and economic strategies intertwine to determine the economic fate of a country.

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Books mentioned in the article: “Tunisia’s Economic Development: Why Better than Most of the Middle East but Not East Asia” by Mustapha K. Nabli and Jeffrey B. Nugent

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